Friday, March 13, 2015

My Dream India

I like to share With You my ideas and My dream plan on how to make  India a developed Country by 2020 and beyond.

        I think some vague aims will not make India to the desired position as per our expectations. We need to make a concrete plan for a block of years with deadlines. Because when You divide a difficult and long term goal in to small block of years, it becomes easy to achieve it. Also we need to stop looking everything from a lower perspective, everything should be seen from a higher perspective.

        Lets stick to the plan and dreams of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. We need to first create a long term plan for this. For example in the next 5 years what we will achieve and in  in the next 10 years what will be our position and after 25 years what will be our position etc. In other words we need to divide our long term goal in to small fragments say five years. 

         In the next 10 years we must concentrate on infrastructure development. India's infrastructure was not developed in a planned or orderly manner in the past. There were huge investment in our infrastructure but it doesn't made the purpose because it was not done in a planned way until recently. All of the money we have invested has gone like pouring barrels of colour in to the ocean. Just like it cannot change the colour of the ocean, that money also made little difference as we expected. 
Now we will divide our development strategy in to infrastructure development  in the next five years and social development in the next ten years.
We will discus what all things we should do in the next five years in our infrastructure development. We will divide it in to sections that we need to concentrate in to.

1. Development of Metro cities

     The Problem with our cities compared to the other modern cities are our cities were not developed with a master plan. The development was not in an orderly manner too. There were huge investment but without proper planning it doesn't serve to the purpose. So we want our cities to be properly developed. But the problem is that all of the metro cities are already over crowded and choked. There is absolutely no room for further development. I am saying about the biggest metro cities Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Bangalore. So what we will do ?? 

      Just we have to forget about spending money for developing these chocked cities. Instead we need to make huge satellite cities  with master planning adjacent to these cities. These satellite cities  will be designed at least a vision of 50 Years ahead. These cities will have straight central  roads of  six or eight lines dividing the City in to four. All other four line major roads which divide the city into rectangular parts will be  connecting to this central roads.
There will be metro rail connecting north west to east west with feeder bus roots. People will be using metro as the mode of transportation instead of buses. This will reduce the overloading of roads and reduce pollution too. But there will be feeder buses from each and every corner to the metro stations.
The entire satellite town will be divided in to three. Residential, business and industrial sectors. Residential area  will have only Willa, houses and flats. Business sector will consist of offices of companies, schools, colleges and hospitals. Industrial area will consist of Industries only.
Water, electricity, telephone,gas and OFC cables will be pre laid  with connections available in all parts of the city. These cable will have the capacity to serve the city for at least 50 years.
Modern buildings with 20-80 floors will be built in residential and business sectors.

     Public transport system will be modern a/c buses.Beautiful garden and parks will be there in the major centers of the city.
      Foreign consultancies which  have done the planning  of cities like  Singapore and  Dubai must be employed as consultancies to make master plan of the cities.
Till now we have discussed about the things to be done in the satellite cities. Now where should the money come from ?? that is the most important thing isn't it ? 

      For that we have to Give each city to a Nation for development. For example, Mumbai will be developed by US, Bangalore by Singapore etc. They will build the city with their technology and expertise. They will get their money back from the rent of the buildings they are constructed. They can collect the tolls from the roads too. The Govt will get money by selling the land to the residents and Industries.

 2. Modernizing Railways to The International Standard

      Even though Indian Railways seemed to be enough for today's India, it is not up to the mark and cope up with international standards. We want a Hi-Fi and top notch Railway for our developed India.

      We will see the problems with the current state of Railways in simple words. The main problem is that Indian Railways does not make any profit even if it carries crores of people every year. This causes lack of funds for the development of railways to a prestigious level of modernization. Another major problem is not having a bio toilet which causes polluting the ground water through out the places where Railways run. Other problems like lack of safety features, concerns of women safety etc are on the list.

      But instead of saying all negative things and saying nothing will happen here, we will discus what all things can be practically implemented to improve the Railways and to bring Indian Railways to the International quality standards. The Railways need to make a bold decision at first. In today's era, We want bullet trains instead of ordinary ones. China has given us a role model for this and they have proved that it is not impossible for a developing nation. Instead of making bullet train rails from each and every place to everywhere else, We need to have a master plan for making the rail infrastructure with minimum potential costs.

      The plan for this is like this. There will be a Golden quadrilateral bullet train route connecting the four metropolitan cities Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai. All other cities will be connected to this Main route so that each cities will become part of the grid connecting with each other. This is the first bold step we have to take.

      Secondly the bio toilets will be implemented instead of the current method littering the soil. Bio toilets are the toilets which carry the bio waists along instead of dropping below.  We cannot change all the toilets at once because all the couches of all the train will need alteration. What we can do is to built a small couch with four bio toilets and connect it the couches in between, so that we no longer need to alter all couches at one. We will need to have a time plan for facing out the toilets  for the bio toilets. Maximum within 5 years we will face out all the ordinary toilets.

      The quality of current toilets are very poor, it seems to be a house made one instead of a standard one with a quality standard. So the design of the toilet will be done with a newly design division created in Railways in collaboration with International companies like Bombardier, Mistubishi, Alstom etc or with foreign railways like Japan or Germany. The quality of the toilet will be in par with the standard of toilets in the flights. So hope we will be using the beautifully designed toilets in some of the new trains in the nearby future and in all the trains by 2020.

      India's climate is very extreme. People are not able to adjust with the traveling in the hot season where the temperature reaches around 50 degree Celsius and in the winter the temperature reaches near 10 degree Celsius. Actually the the compartments with no ac is simply not suited for our climate. So we need to have all the sleeping berths to be air conditioned with a slight increase in the fare rates. There will not be much burden to the railways as now a days all of the trains run in electricity. We can exchange the sleeper couches used by now to the 2nd class compartment so that there will not be any wastage because of this.

      All the currently used couches are of having a design which is not up to the international standard as we seen in developed nations. As we are also heading towards a developed nation instead as one of the top financial super power we need to have the railways too with international quality standards. As we discussed above, we need to have a specially created design division exclusively for couch design in corporation with Industrial leaders as discussed above.

       The railway stations are the next concerns. First we have to concentrate on entirely rebuilding the metropolitan cities Railways station to make it par with a developed nations standards. The stations will be just like the Delhi metro rail stations. All covered entirely with steel structures and with a nice architecture. There will be a beautiful garden with fountain welcoming the travelers in all the stations.This will be done with in 5 years and all other stations will be rebuilt within next 10 years. So that we will see beautifully designed and architecture done Railway stations in the next 10 years.

       All the couches will have fire protective system like sprinklers to protect the passengers.  Women's compartment will have an exclusive emergency button so that in case of emergency situation Ladies can raise a huge sounding alarm which will keep away the tress passers,harassers and thieves. Drinking water will be available in all the compartments free of cost.

        And lastly, the most important thing. How to find the money for this ??. Its not at all a problem since the Railways have acres and acres of land in the costly places in all the towns. Just we have to convert it to money. Railways will built 3 star accommodation complexes with 3 star restaurants in all the major town railways stations in their own land. Very big shopping malls too will be built on the said land. It will be a huge revenue for the Railways. Then shares of Railways to be made available in the share market. The Railways need to be made as a company before that. This will attract billions and billions of money. Other than this the beautifully designed compartments will be exported to other nations. I strongly believe these all step will make the Railway in to the billionaire profit club too.

3. Cultivating Agricultural Growth

         In India agriculture is the backbone of majority of People. The agricultural production in India is not inadequate rather it is more than the necessity here. That means we produce food to feed all People living in India. Then where is the Gap?? Why there are many People under the poverty line ?? Why the Agricultural products costs High and causes inflation while the farmers get little value for their products ?? We will try to answer this questions and make beautiful solution for this.

         The problem here is the 3 or 4 layer middle level merchants taking too much profit. The picture is like this. The Farmers sell the product say tomato for 3 Rupees to the local merchants who buy product from the farmers. They take more than  230% profit and sell it wholesale merchant for 10 rupees who transport the agricultural products to the destination state like Kerala. They take 100% profit and sell it to the local merchants for 20 Rupees. Then the Local merchants will take another 50% profit and sell it the customers for 30 Rupees. This is how the cost of Agricultural items get tripled or more and leads to inflation. 

          So what is the solution for this?? The Government should make a mechanism for that, that's all. That means Government will make a body say Agricultural Mission for directly buying from Farmers,storing the products in central location, transportation to consumer places and selling to the customers. This can be done with private partnership too. But the Government need to ensure that the Farmers get a decent value for their product and Consumers will need to pay a reasonable amount as price. This will also ensure the effective distribution of Agricultural items.

         The Government will help the Farmers in all means to excel them in their production. Government will buy modern Farm equipments and make them available to the Farmers through the Agricultural Mission(discussed above) local centres. The backbone for agricultural development will be still there in Government's hand. There are millions acres of dry land available throughout this country. For developing these land to agricultural land, proper irrigation setup needs to be done. We need to make a master plan for this. Thousands of dams and Canals need to be build. But there is no need for Government to completely invest for this purpose. We can attract foreign money and private partnership. They will construct dams and canals and get at least 50% of the developed lands for agricultural cultivation on long term rental basis (Say 50 Years). The profit from that will be enough to cater their spending. Overall it will take a time period of 10-15 years but ultimately we will not be seeing the non usable dry land anymore in India, instead we will be seeing the green and posh farms throughout India.

4. Restructuring of Military 

        Major part of the budget spending are going to the military . It is an irony that India is not at all making any wars, still we spent so much for the military. India spends around 40 Billion US Dollars for the military while Pakistan spend only 7 Billion US Dollar for their Military. We should restrict the military spending to, at least 25% of the total budget expenditure. By this way we can divert those money for the development. Then, All the system in the military are of old colonial style. We need to restructure everything to our Indian style. We Indians are very calm and quiet we don't need hard punishment for obeying the superiors order, this colonial style need to be changed and this is one of the aspects only. 

          We spend crores and crores of Rupees for purchasing the military equipments, which can be built in India itself. There are Military equipment producing companies in South Africa,US, Australia etc we should make partnership with them to produce the only necessary equipments In India itself. This will save billions of foreign money.

        Another aspect is that India is not effectively utilizing the resources of the military. Other than the war time military persons are not totally engaged, so they can be used for law and order purposes and rescue operations during emergencies in a large scale.

5. Promote indigenous technology for Industrial Growth

         All of the Indian Industries are using foreign technologies for production. This has made them lazy on developing their own technologies in the past. But during the recent years, several multinational companies started operating from here challenging Indian Companies. So Indian companies where forced to develop their own technology to survive the competition. Government  need to promote the development of indigenous technology by giving huge discounts, tax reductions and awards.

             Four Industrial free zone to be set up in the four metropolitan cities. Fifty Thousand acres of land will be taken up for this close to each city. There will be a master plan for this free zone with four line central roads along with service roads dividing the free zone to small industrial setup zones. This free zone will be away from residential areas and no residents are permitted live close to this free zone for safety and avoid pollution affecting the common People. This free zone will have features like tax deduction, free export and imports etc in addition to the built in water, electricity, sewage collection, LNG connectivity and OFC broadband connectivity. 

             The paper works will be done through a single window system with in one month of applying for an Industrial start up. This will attract many modern companies to India. Express highways will be connecting between these industrial free zone to the city, Airport and Seaport. There will also be rail connectivity and central goods railway station with in this free zone. Hundreds of Large industries like automobile industry, petrochemical industry, chemical industries etc will be allowed to start within this free zone along with small support industries. This free zone will have ultra mega power plants to cater to the needs of the industries within, central pool for fire water availability, huge canals for industrial water availability, exclusive pipe line zone parallel to the roads, huge truck parking areas etc . 

6. Building Express Highways as the backbone of the Nation

           Highways act as the backbone of any Nation. The East-west, North-South corridor and Golden Quadrilateral were a very Good initiative from Government of India. They need to be widened to eight line roads. In addition to that Eight line Express High ways are to be built in each state connecting one end to the other passing close to major towns. For example In TamilNadu the express highway will connect Chennai to Kanyakumari. In Kerala it will connect Trivandrum to Kasargod and so on. All other places will be connected to this express Highway using four line service roads. These Highways will not passes through any towns, instead it will bypass all towns and only the service road will connect Highway to the towns. These Express Highways will be most modern with all Safety measures,Signages,markings,barricades and all over silky smooth and straight.

           As usual the question is where does the money come from ??. The answer is this. These Express Highway will have 50 meter extra land acquired on both side,  this will be used to built, buildings, shops and shopping malls on both sides. So there will be 1000 of acres of high cost land in the conning places ie. both side of the Highway. Rent from this building and shops will cover the cost of development of these express Highways.

7. Making of a Public responsible Police 

             The Police force in our nation are not comparable to any Developed nation. The problem here is that the Police force is politically dependent,rude, non People friendly and corrupted. The entire Police force should be retrained to make them Humble and People friendly. Some foreign police teams to be called for training our Police force. It will also make them understand how the Police force in the developed nations works. 

8. Changes need in the Legal system

           Our legal system is based on the colonial style and is a blind copy of the system of US and UK. The problem is that they have made rules for their own People, who are entirely different from Indian People. The rules here is very complicated and very difficult to understand making loop holes for the crooked minds. So we need to completely restructure the legal system to make it usable for our own People. The laws must me simple,brief, easy to read, easy to understand and easy to interpret.(An example may be the Gulf countries, were the laws are extremely simple but very effective) More over the laws should not be the copy of other Nations, it should be either made exclusively for India or thoroughly modified for Indian citizens. The colonial system should be dropped to make way for Indian style.

9. Making the Politics to work for the Nation

        A Politics training center to be newly established and it should be made mandatory that all the politicians should complete a 1 year course on Politics from this center before standing for election. These courses should be structured in a way that good leadership,moral values and personal qualities should be taught in the curriculum. Only Persons with at least Degree qualification and one year training from Politics training center will be allowed to stand for elections.


10. Stopping the population explosion 

           Population explosion is one of the problem India faces, we have tried restricting the Children of a Family in to two but not succeeded. When the wealth and property of a family divide in to 5 or 6 they become poorer and poorer. So the population explosion need to be immediately stopped.  It can be achieved only strict regulation of restricting the no of Child in to One. If a family has only one child, the property and wealth of two person will get to the child, by this way the generations will become richer and richer. The child will also get a better attention so that India will get better citizens.  

11. Diesel and Petrol pricing strategy

           The Government is trying to reduce the gap between Petrol and Diesel prices. But the problem is that all the Public transport and public carriage vehicles run on Diesel. So when the diesel price is hiked it lead to higher bus fares and  lorry charges. This also lead to inflation. The solution for this is very simple. Making a discount card just like the ration card for the public transport vehicles and public carriage vehicles. So diesel which is selling to them will be just at a 50% rate than for other vehicles, the loss due to this discount can be made up by hiking the rate of Petrol and Diesel charges of other vehicles. So the cost of agriculture and other items is reduced and inflation is greatly controlled. Public will be happy too.

12. Rehabilitating the People living in slums in Metro Cities

There are Lakhs of People living in slums in Metro Cities. The Development of Cities will not be complete without rehabilitating these People. They are living in these cities for their daily bread. So shifting them to any other place will not do the right purpose. So they will be rehabilitated in Multistoried flats built in the heart of the city itself. They will also be given assistance for jobs like construction, cleaning works etc. 

13. Making simple and Strict Rules 

         All the public rules will be very simple and very strict. Consider the case of littering and spitting in public spaces. The main reason why Indian cities are dirty because People throw waste in to public roads. Yo cannot see a Person spitting or throwing waste in to public places in any developed nation. This is because they have strictly banned it. Similar thing to be done in India too. These rules must be very strict and violators need to be hardly punished with heavy fines.

14. How to find the huge Money required for development

 It is estimated that total deposit in All the Banks in India will come around 80 Trillion. But unfortunately most of this money is dead money, that means neither the banks nor the People of India has any benefit from it. I am going to explain how to utilize the dead money held with the Banks. The excess money other than required for day today activities of the bank need to be transferred to RBI and this money should be made avaialable to the Government with out paying any interests to the Banks. So that the Government can utilize this money for the Development of the nation.

So, We will see a clean,beautiful,modern and massively developed India by 2020-25